Tips for Finding Other Mom Friends
Life is changed in incredible and unimaginable ways after bringing your precious little one into the world. You get to experience all of the joys that come along with being a new mom, and as with any major life event, you are also most likely seeing changes in many areas of your life. If you and your friends didn’t get together beforehand and decide to have kids at the same time, you will likely experience different life situations that come with such a big change. Old friendships don’t have to go away, but it can be harder to maintain these relationships, or have the support network that you need in your new journey. Regardless of how close you stay to friends who haven’t had kids yet, it doesn’t hurt to make some new mom friends who are going through a similar life experience. Below are some tips for building these new friendships.
Get Out and About
Sometimes the hardest part of meeting other moms is the first step—venturing outside. Don’t be afraid to bundle up your little one and get out and about, even if she is napping in the process. You’ll be surprised how many people stop to adore her, and have no way of knowing who might have a friend, sister, or daughter who just had a baby as well.
Take a Look on Social Media
Depending on the population of the area where you live, there are most likely local mom groups or clubs that have organized get-togethers, play dates by age, or even moms-only nights out. A quick search on Facebook for organizations like your local chapter of International MOMS Club is a great place to start. Also, knowing that others are there for the same reasons as you can be reassuring and take the social tension out of meeting new friends.
Go Where Other New Parents Are
Where there are activities for kids, there are other moms. The most obvious might be parks and playgrounds—even if you have an infant, this could be a great place to go with a book just to get out of the house. A lot of times you can also find community sponsored activities at your local library, like story times. If you haven’t been in a while, it’s worth a look— many local libraries now offer a variety of activities for kids, and they’re usually free.
Keep Doing the Stuff You Did Before You Had Kids
Just because being a mom is your main focus doesn't mean you should stop doing the things you like to do. Infants might actually be more “portable” than toddlers, and kids of all ages can be introduced to the activities that you like to do. You can turn a trip to a coffee shop into “snack time,” and most gym memberships include free or inexpensive childcare. This is a great way to meet other moms who might be out with their kids during the day.
Don’t Be Afraid to Make the First Move
Kind of sounds like middle school dating advice… but we’re serious. Many times, new moms are going through similar circumstances. If you’re shy about reaching out to another mom pushing a stroller out of fear of appearing awkward, she probably feels the same way. Putting yourself out there is a sure way to eventually meet a friend who you click with. Oh, and after you reach out, don’t forget to exchange contact info!
Written by Casey Bunn, Founder of Handsocks
Casey Bunn from Richmond, VA is a multi-entrepreneur. She is married to a professional firefighter, Colin, and has two children Jillian and Charlie. A VCU grad, she started a software company at the age of 25 and became a published author at 31. She spent 5 years as a Rotarian and as a Board member for CASA.
As a new mom after a ski trip with her daughter, she saw a need and founded Handsocks. They are protective comfies with an innovative design which keeps the product on. Handsocks won a national grant from The First Years in 2016 to build awareness with the medical community for their new product.
Casey has appeared on WTVR CBS6 Virginia This Morning, ABC 8, PR Newswire, in The Richmond Times Dispatch, Richmond BizSense, Richmond Magazine and in Richmond GRID Magazine.
For more information, visit www.handsocks.com.