Safety First: Car Seats
By Casey Bunn
Parents, grandparents, caretakers of children,
May I share my heart with you on one issue of car seat safety? So many times, in photos and in person, I see the babies in their bulky, puffy coats squeezed under the harnesses of their seats. I did it too with my oldest sometimes. You pull that strap to tighten it down as much as you can, but then you loosen it a smidge to ensure they can breathe. I also see those chest clips low across their ribs or bellies. Or the gaps above their shoulders where you could still pinch the straps between your fingers. Some of the babies are big enough they can buckle it on their own and it is so nice to be able to hop in the car and let them do it themselves while you are trying to remember everything on your to-do list. OR you just didn't want to fight that battle AGAIN with one who wants to do it "by myself!" I've been there too, running late because of an autonomous toddler or pre-schooler.
Most of you are strangers to me, but not all. I see your babies and I say nothing to you (except once or twice), mostly to avoid offending you because that would never be my intention. My son was about 18 months old when a car ran a stop sign and hit us. My car was totaled, but we were uninjured. You never put your kids in the car expecting something bad to happen, so it's easy to get relaxed, especially when it's freezing outside or you're in a hurry. But getting relaxed isn't worth it if something does happen. Parents and caretakers, it's our job to keep our kiddos safe using the best of our knowledge. Some of you just don't realize the dangers because no one has ever told you.
So here's me, telling you.
And read this: http://www.businessinsid er.com/why-you-should-never- put-your-child-in-a-car-seat- puffy-coat-2017-10
And use those Handsocks!
Let's keep all the babies safe!
Mama Tamara