Handsocks Mama Blog: Preparing Baby Food for 1st Time Moms!
Hadsocks Mamas!
Let’s talk food! Are we team purées, Baby LED Weaning, or a happy medium of both? And if you’re all about purées- did you buy the pre-made jars or did you put your chef hat on and get to work in the kitchen?
Being a first-time momma, who loves to cook, I decided with baby boy I was going to make all his food. Boy! Was that a huge task to take on! Although I never regretted it, I wonder if I’ll do the same for my second babe.
More on Handsocks Blog: Easy Meal Time: 2 fast finger foods
Once baby turned 6 months, Sundays were dedicated to baby food. My kitchen literally turned into a Gerber baby food factory. It was rewarding and oh so satisfying, especially after seeing baby gobble it down, but BOY was it exhausting. By 4 pm on Sunday, I was POOPED!
Breakfast, lunch, dinner & 3 snacks a day. That was A LOT of work. But don’t get me wrong, I loved making my baby his food, knowing exactly what was in it & can I tell you- it’s soo MUCH cheaper than buying the prepared baby food.
But I noticed as month 7 & 8 rolled around I was giving him more and more table food and he was loving it. Still loving his purées too but it got me thinking... “Hey, I can probably scale back on the baby food factory if he’s eating what we’re eating”. By month 10 I had stopped making baby food altogether and baby ate exactly what we ate; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I can honestly say it is so nice to have my Sundays back to do whatever I want and not be stuck in the baby food factory!
But I wonder with next baby will I just try full on BLW?? I’m leaning more towards yes. Mainly because with the 2nd baby I’ll also have a toddler to run after. Not sure how much energy I’ll have to dedicate an entire day, every week, to make him/her food.
What about you guys? What did you do? Store bought baby food? Homemade purées? Baby Led Weaning? Whatever you do- FED IS BEST!
Handsocks Momma,
XO #mamachante
My baby food recipe:
I just chopped the fruit or vegetable up into large chunks and either steamed/baked it. Then threw it into my ninja food processor with either chicken stock (for veggies) or water (for fruits) & blended it up! I started out with adding breastmilk but only did that for about 2 weeks!