Handsocks Feature Story: Secure Beginnings, Safe Sleep Crib Mattress
I had the pleasure of meeting Julie Andreae recently and I just love her passion for the safe sleep topic. Not only has she invested her own resources, time and money into the creation of a fabulous product, but she is a spirited cheerleader for other founders with a similiar mission.
In a study conducted by The American Academy of Pediatrics, it reveals that in the United States, SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the number one cause of infant death more than any causes.
Secure Beginnings is founded by 3 innovative and visionary individuals - a pediatrician, an automotive product safety designer and an interior designer who all lost a loved one due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. They are on a mission to manufacture high standard and safe products by their air permeable - breathable crib mattress that prevents infants from suffocation when they sleep face down or when they roll to their stomach.
Here's our short interview to founder Julie to keep you inspired.
What was the # 1 driver that made you turn your "idea" into something real?
Our products were passionately created because we found out the hard way what can happen when an infant rolls over in the middle of the night. Every family deserves a happy ending!
Did you have prior experience with product manufacturing and what was the first thing you remember doing to start planning? How did the three designers come together?
I met my business partner during a social event, at the time he was working for Ford Motor Company designing safety products. He showed me his design on a completely breath-through crib mattress he developed for his second child to sleep on. I knew I had to help in any way I could to get this product into the hands of more parents. My sister who is a pediatrician also agreed.
We spent several years researching and testing. We wanted to make sure our products covered every “risk” associated with infant sleep.
What's something you wish you had known when you started?
Actually, I am glad I did not know everything I know now, especially all the sacrifices it requires to bring a new product to market. I may not have pushed myself so hard. And I would have missed out on the self-gratification that has come from knowing we are truly making a difference.
What's the most important thing you do every day for your business and how did you decide on the amazing way you would commit to connecting with people who are also protecting children in some way?
The most important thing I believe I do is to help parents solve problems and offer realistic answers about SIDS and safe sleep.
I always want to partner and help other organizations that are committed to our same cause. I have been very blessed to have so many wonderful entrepreneurs, individuals, organization founders, and medical professionals who also work tirelessly to make sleep “safer” for infants. We believe that working together we will make a difference.
How have you balanced family life and business ownership?
I waited until my youngest went off to college before diving head first into this venture. I honestly think “it” found me. I did not find “it.” Secure Beginnings is my new baby and it’s been a lot of the same experiences as bringing up a child. You have your good days, your bad days, but at the end of the day, it’s always your baby you want to love and protect.
Anything our parent audience can do to help you?
This may sound like a very strange request, we would appreciate any parent who has lost an infant in a pack 'n play or play yard to contact http://www.carcionelaw.com/. You will find a simple on-line for you can fill out.
I was an expert witness a year ago in a trial involving an infant who was determined to have suffocated in an Evenflo play yard. We are now working with the family as well as the wonderful team at Carcione law to have stricter mandates and regulations for infant play yard mattresses. Carcione law is the reason that children’s walkers have been modified and require them to have stoppers.
Make sure to check out their social pages and stay in touch with them at their website: http://www.securebeginnings.com !!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SecureBeginnings/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureBeginning
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/securebeginnings/
They are amazing! If you know other brands we should connect with, please let us know. We love to spotlight inventors and brands who are passionate about children like we are.
Thanks again Julie for your time and sweet connection. We love you!