Baby Product Must Haves You Don't Want to Miss
My kids just turned 3 and 4 and as I see them officially turn into real toddlers, I find myself needing to purge some of their baby things. There are some new inventions now that I wish I had a few years ago. But looking through these products, there are some things that’ll never change and always be a necessity!
Boppy pillow. This thing was awesome! I Love that you could get replaceable covers that zipped on and off easily to wash. It was really great to be able to use it for feeding when they were babies, and then assisting to set up when they got bigger. It was also awesome for travel! Many times I use this myself in the car or on the floor next to my baby’s crib to take a nap!
Cloud B sound machine. Now I will say, we still use these with both kids. Every time they would lay down for a nap or bedtime since they were born, I put it on a particular sound and it eventually became a trigger for them to fall asleep. But we do have an extra one that we don’t need multiples up! I know that another family member will thoroughly enjoy this. I know of a lot of adults that you sound machines to. My older son likes the bubbles and my younger son likes the dolphins. This particular brand has a stuffed toy on the outside of the machine so it also serves as a cuddle buddy. It has a wonderful Velcro strap to attach to the child’s bed, crib or pack and play during travel. Very convenient!
Bumkin bibs. Now these are awesome! They are so thin and light weight but are still able to repel spills. But the lightness of the fabric helps it dry very quickly if you need to wash it in the sink during a huge spell! When my kids got older, they made an art smock. It was just like the smaller baby bibs but technically made for kids to do artwork. Are used it for my kids after church, Easter or anytime they were in a nice outfit, especially long sleeves. Totally covered everything on their body! Mom win!
Munch mitt. Now this for us has been a godsend. For multiple reasons. With my first son, he wasn’t a teether per se, but he did like to stick his fingers in his mouth a lot. Just put this little glove over his hand and bam! No nastier germ hands in the mouth, just the rubber mit! My younger son had horrible problems with teething. And it just got worse with age when those motors came in. We ended up getting two of these, one for each hand and also sometimes to rotate putting them in the freezer so that the cold would feel good on his mouth. Easy to clean and great for travel. The Velcro closure was also very comfortable for them but secure enough around the wrist to where they couldn’t pull it off.
Aden + Anais swaddles. OK guys, both my kids are still obsessed with these! And now we have transitioned to their dream blanket line as well in the spring and fall when they need a little warm but not hot comforter. These things are amazing quality and super absorbent for spills or spit up. Are used the smaller ones and some of their other fabric products when they were babies. And now they still need one of the swaddles or Blankey as they call it, to sleep. You also can’t help but love the cute patterns too!
Zipadeezip by the sleeping baby company. Have you all ever heard of these? If not, definitely take a look at their Facebook page. This is an amazing sleep garment for babies that are over three months to transition them out of the swaddle. For my youngest, this was a godsend! He was obsessed with being swaddled but began to roll over around four months old. I was preparing not to sleep at night at all! And the first night I used one of these, he slept 11 hours! And the reviews are fantastic! They also have a bigger transition garment for when they get older. And the quality is incredible. Just toss it in with your normal wash!
It’s sad to know that the wheels of change in motion and the kids are growing up. But I’m thankful for these products that helped us get through some tough parenting times!